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Thursday, August 13, 2015

Hole in One/Being Decieved

Excerpt taken from my Dream Journal- June 18th, 2009

My mom, other family members, and others I knew were excited to play. There were many "greens" side by side. We were at the first one. They were all getting a hole in one. Since you couldn't beat a hole in one, you had to try to tie it. I asked if I had to stay inside that same "green area" or if I could use the whole park as my course to get the ball into the hole. I kept trying to T-off, when someone would move my ball to put theirs down to play.
To the side was a man in bright (white) Robes encouraging players, saying something to which now, after waking up I can't remember what he said. I was about to go when I recognized through the power of the Holy Ghost that the man in the robes was in fact Satan, he was disguised. That the true or correct course we should be playing on was just to the right of us, looking almost identical to the first one. It just needed to be "plugged in." All the courses had an electrical plug that once plugged in lite them up and activated them. I told all those that had played the first hole who that man really was and to those still waiting to play that they were all deceived. That the correct course/green was next to it only a few feet away. I also told the group that the man never said __(which now I can't remember exactly-something like being the true Savior, but a word that parallels it.) Satan was unmasked to who he really was and others listened to me and changed to the other course, the one on the right. There was more to the dream but I have already forgotten it.


  1. Satan does mask himself as light. That is the way he gains so many. I feel that by you opening your mouth, you are able to lead many to the truth. Perhaps you are a seer and you are one that needs to point others to the truth path of light.

    1. Thank you for your words. The last sentence you wrote has been running through my mind since I read it. I needed to hear this. Thanks for being in tuned yourself.
