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Friday, July 21, 2023

The Little Things Can Be the Big Things

I had the following dream this Spring as follows:

I told the man who sold us his 5th wheel, "Your little things are our huge thing!"
Knowing how to handle water heaters and appliances. 
He fixed it and at the same time flipped a switch to have both our stove and fridge run on the propane. 
So simple for him, like an afterthought but huge for us! We were so grateful to him. *End of that dream*

After the dream I woke up with that little phrase "a little thing for one is a huge thing for another. So help another out."
It might be a huge thing and blessing for the other person.

The day before, we had 2 puppies dropped off under the trailer from their momma from down the road. We fed them and took the time to remove ALL the ticks from their small bodies. One had over 75 and the other over 100. Some of the ticks had been there for awhile. Both puppies fell asleep after that. 

The memory of the puppies came back into my mind after fully waking up for the day. That was a simple, somewhat easy thing for me to do, just a little time consuming removing all the ticks. I have had tons of practice over the years and almost like a second thought just like the guy in my dream.  But for the puppies, it was a huge thing! Something they couldn't do for themselves and they were very grateful for that service. 

We have the opportunity to help one another. Just like one's strength is another's weakness. We are to fill in the gaps and help one another. We need one another. The key is to let the Holy Spirit guide you to where to go, when to go, what to say and do and how to do it. 

Shifting a little or maybe a lot now-
Many times the "little things" are the "big things". Often we are willing to do big things but ignore the little things. Other times not willing to do either the big or small things. Or not willing to STOP doing the big or small things to come closer to God.  It reminds me of a beautiful blog post I read awhile back. I invite you to click Here to read, ponder, and apply it. Happy reading- your Sister in Christ- Sally.