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Thursday, November 9, 2017

The Shower Squeegee

Monday morning I found myself in Walmart buying things that were on my list. This squeegee was one of them. I didn't know the layout of this store as well as the Super Center that I usually go to. But since I had dropped off my hubby at work (that's another story in itself) this regular Walmart was on my way home, so I stopped by. I found an employee that worked there and asked if they carried any squeegees. She replied, "Yes we sure do, shower squeegees" and proceeded to point and tell my which aisle to go to and where it would be found. 
So I heeded her directions and pushed my cart that had David who was asleep and few of my other items till I saw the aisle with the toilet seats and turned to go down that aisle. My search for the squeegee was on. I mean how hard could it be for me to quickly find it, grab it, and put it in the cart and move on to my next item on the list, right??????

I looked down the left aisle passed the toilet seats passed everything else on that aisle then turned the cart to go down the other side of the isle looking and could not find the squeegee. I did this a few more times, even going slower, checking to see if maybe it was in different packaging like in a box or something. Still no luck in finding this squeegee that the employee was confident that they had. So again I went up and down the aisle being very careful that I didn't overlook it. Another 5 minutes pass by. I thought, "O well, I will just have to get it later and somewhere else." and proceeded to go to another part of the store to finish my shopping. I saw in a distance the same employee. I approached her and told her, "I could not find the squeegees. Either you guys are out, or I must be blind because I have spent this whole time searching and could not find it." She stopped what she was doing and invited my to follow her and together we walked back to the aisle I was previously in and toward the end of the isle and half way up she pulled off this thing that looked like a hanger . The label was hiding the handle part and at the time thought it was hiding most of the squeegee. But right there on the label it did say "Shower squeegee" and handed it to me and said, "Here you go." It was next to those shower organizers and other stuff. I replied, "Oh-this is not was I was looking for, this is clear" (it didn't register on my brain that this was the squeegee. I thanked her. Without her help I would not of found it. I was indeed blind. (reflecting on it now, I realized I was so focused on the handle part)

I was blinded by my "ideal" of a squeegee from all my past experiences of using squeegees in other people's homes, of what THIS squeegee that I was going to buy should look like.  I had never used a clear one like this, it didn't exist in my mind. So that is why I wasn't able to find it in the store. I was looking for something that wasn't there. Sound familiar???


How often do we do this in our journey here we call life?
Having expectations, our perception of things, our past experiences, traditions, our IDEALS?

may I offer the following definition given by another for the word IDEAL?

 Ideal is my knowledge of what ought to be, and if I know what ought to be, then I’ve got a struggle and a conflict to make it come to pass. And if what is never what it ought to be, if I compare it to an ideal, because I can never have everything that’s ideal because ideals contradict ideals.

When we have "ideals" on what is good and what is evil, expectations on people, God, LIFE, then we will run into problems. We will continue to be stuck partaking of the Tree of Knowledge of Good AND Evil . Do we really even understand what good= what evil= if we are still partaking from this tree and have not gone through the flaming sword and are partaking of the Tree of Life? 

Q: What is the purpose of partaking of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil?
Q: Is this how one gets a broken heart?
Q: Isn't entering mortality from leaving the safe, warm, secure womb of your mother and taking a breathe in mortality the same thing as partaking of the Knowledge of Good AND Evil?

The following that is in italic are excerpts taken from a transcript- Max Skousen-Moroni 7 Discussion. I listened and read it prior to my little shower squeegee experience.

"All judging is believing in ideals. Ideal is the knowledge of what it ought to be and it’s always different from what is, even when everything seems to be perfect. It won’t last, so it’s not totally ideal. I want to use this word, and it might be a shocker, for we have a lot of respect for ideals. But there is something far greater than ideals,
because an ideal is an illusion in a conclusion of what ought to be.
As far out as that seems, somethings gotta happen to our minds to get us out of our vanity and unbelief, and we’ve got to turn our world upside down, to go through that flaming sword of truth that turns everyway, or we will never get off of the tree of knowledge and onto the tree of life. It’s got to be that dramatic and that drastic. So he is gonna let us enter into the rest of the Lord because it’s only by eating that fruit that we may enter into the rest of the Lord, to experience that which is most ”precious above all.” [1 Ne. 11:9] 

I wish I was as computer savvy as I am with sketching things out with my hand and writing things out. I feel handicapped doing this blog on this computer. Ugg- Sorry got distracted for a moment. 

Tree of Life=Tree of Spirit
Life + Love
it's UNION
no need or greed
real intent

Tree of Knowledge of Good AND Evil=Tree of Judgment
Separates and Divides
Tree of conclusion
Tree of ideals

another way to look at the words- good and evil without using ideals.
Good=to flow
Bad/Evil= to go rigid

(I pulled the above from the information below) I am a very visual person. So for me it is helpful to pull things out of a text, out of a sea of words. To make charts, draw outlines and  pictures, ect. Continuing on.

"To do anything with real intent when we have a double mind, that is split between good and evil, because a part of our mind does evil and a part does good, so when we have that it’s impossible for us to do it with real intent, and if we do not do it with real intent, it profiteth us nothing, because of the nature of the mind. If I have a knowledge of everything that’s good, and did nothing else I have no self-condemnation, I didn’t condemn you. But we notice that we are not that way. There’s no way anyone can live the tree of knowledge of good and evil perfectly. No one is ideal. Nobody can be perfect. We can only try, but that’s not what it says - be

HOWEVER- if and IF you are looking from it from partaking of the Tree of Life THEN being Perfect is possible. I am NOT talking about the IDEAL of perfection.

Remember, we are dealing with the tree of knowledge of good and evil, which was the forbidden tree that kills us, it’s the tree of judgment. And we are dealing with the tree of life, the tree of spirit. To be of the tree of spirit, you are of the love of God, you are of the flowing. You are flowing with life, you don’t have to stand on your rights, you don’t have to defend this knowledge of good and evil. It’s the tree of the non-ideal, because what was right yesterday may not be right today. It might have been wrong yesterday to kill that person, and today it might be the most appropriate thing. It’s flowing and when a person comes from not judgment, but from the spiritual life and love, they never do harm, they never will harm anybody and they will work with wisdom and expediency and flowing, and a beautiful thing happens. Now we define, then, that evil is to go rigid and good is to flow. The devil’s plan was to come down here and make everyone good. Jesus plan was, ”No, no, no, don’t do that. Let ’em flow!” ”Yeah, but people will get hurt.” ”I understand, but it’s the only way to work.” The whole plan was to let people learn from their mistakes as well as their successes and Christ would come down and take care the death. But we don’t want to do that, see we want to get in there and fix it and use compulsion. Like the prophet said, ”We see that all men want to exercise power and dominion over their fellow man.” []D&C 121:37] They want to become satanic. When we want to push the right we are in a sense do the devil’s plan, in the name of good, but it’s not good. The peaceable flowing of spirit, which is to truly understand that everybody is all of the same process and that God’s plan is working, and out of that knowledge we begin to understand that those who are rigid can not do that which is flowing, and those who are flowing cannot do that which is rigid. And that’s how we have real intent, because when we have real intent and we are flowing we are not trying to get, we don’t come from need, we don’t come from greed. We are coming from spirit and spirit can not lose. Spirit is love and love is union. It’s never separate, whereas knowledge is always separate. It always divides, and that’s our experience living from that level. I’m not condemning it, because it’s part of our growing process, but we will never get to the tree of life until we go through that flaming sword and get cut of from all of our knowledge, all of our illusions of conclusions
Let’s read: ”[For] behold, that which is of God inviteth and enticeth to do good continually; (if we put in there, ”That which is of God inviteth and enticeth to do the ideal continually”, we never find that, because the ideal is contradicted by the ideal. But if we say, ”enticeth to be peaceful, to be harmonious, to be flowing continually,] wherefore, every thing which inviteth and enticeth to do[flowing and to be flowing and to be unconditional love, to be with love, to do good] and to love God, and to serve him, is inspired of God. Wherefore, take heed, my beloved brethren, that ye do not judge that which is evil to be of God,[He’s saying, ”Watch it, brethren! Don’t judge that which is evil to be of God] or that which is good and of God to be of the devil.
[He’s talking to members of the Church because they have all this knowledge of good and evil which is all part of their growing process. But he says, ”I’m gonna wake you up now. You’ve come to a peaceable level. It means you are not to rigid on our standard or you wouldn’t be peaceful. You are more flowing and you are more considerate and more understanding, and I see that. That’s why you are ready to enter into the rest of the Lord. And he’s saying that they will never enter into that rest being rigid, for sure. Because either you lie to yourself and you’ll judge yourself along with everybody else.]
For behold, my brethren, it is given unto you to judge, that ye may know good from evil; and the way to judge is as plain, that ye may know with a perfect knowledge, as the daylight is from the dark night.[What’s weird here, see this is a paradox of truth, ”judge not, and I’m gonna show you how to judge.” If you come back to the ideal of judging, that it’s bad to judge, you judge judging. That’s why it contradicts itself. Everything
- do not kill; kill, do not judge, judge... He’s trying to teach us that the knowledge of good and evil, the inflexibility of conclusions is not spiritual, it’s not life, it’s separateness, and it’s what the devil is all about. It’s the devil’s plan. It won’t work. So don’t judge those things that are flowing to be of the devil, and don’t judge those things that are rigid to be of God, because God is flowing, God is peaceful, God is love. Not hate, not resistance. Resist not evil. Don’t resist it. And we say, ”I gotta resist it!” There’s a beautiful alternative. This is what he says.]
For behold, the Spirit of Christ is given to every man, that he may know good from evil;
[Since we don’t understand the spirit and we think that the spirit is knowledge of good and evil, because we have our knowledge of good and evil, we have the spirit, then we are in a conflict here. We can not go with this chapter. We cannot accept this gift that he’s given permission to give to us. We are gonna be stuck in our tree of knowledge and we are gonna stay children of the devil. We are gonna be children of resistance, children of compulsion, children of dominion; or we are gonna be children of peace, children of righteousness. We have everybody the spirit of Christ, the spirit of flowing that flows through the universe. It’s like the wind. To be born of the spirit is to be born of the wind, it’s to be born of giving, it’s to be born of going beyond need, it’s beyond fear. It’s like what John said, that through the spirit you have the perfect love of God which casts out all fear [1 John 4:18]. All of this rigidity, praying without real intent, it all comes from fear. We are afraid not to pray. We pay our tithing so we won’t lose the reward. As long as I serve the Lord to get to heaven, I don’t do it with real intent. As long as I serve the Lord to escape hell, I don’t do it with real intent. Real intent is to do it out of the love of doing it. So we all have been given this spirit of flowing, but the light shines in darkness and the darkness comprehends it not [Joh. 1:5; D&C 10:58; 34:2; 45:7; 88:49]. But all of them have been given that light so that they can know this peace, this perfect peace that passeth understanding [Philip. 4:7], this perfect love that casts out all fear, because he says, ”fear is torment, he that feareth is not yet made perfect in love.” [1 John. 4:18] Torment has nothing to do with Christ. It has to do with the devil.] For behold, the Spirit of Christ is given to every man, [that a person has to understand what the spirit is. If he thinks that the spirit is giving him judgment, to divide up everything, than he will judge evil as good. It’s given to ever man]
that he may know good from evil; [that he may comprehend flowing from resistance. We have two choices in life: to resist what is or to accept and flow with what is and see the hand of God in all things, or to resist it and fight it and then have our problems with it.]

There is much more then I shared. It goes deep and I mean deep. But for now what I have shared today will suffice.

Food for thought. As always, believe nothing I say. Don't take my word, or Skousen's word, or anyone else's word for it. You must work these things out for yourself and take it back to God. God will continue to work in you and through you through the Holy Spirit.

May we all be as a little child- humble, meek and, submissive.

I close with the following scripture that just came to my mind-
Ask, and it shall be given unto you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you. For every one that asketh, receiveth; and he that seeketh, findeth; and to him that knocketh, it shall be opened. (3 Nephi 14:7-8)

fun little fact- went back to the same Walmart this morning after dropping my hubby off to work- so that I could take a picture of the isle where that little squeegee was hanging up and take a closeup of what it looked like when it had the packaging on it. 

Monday, August 7, 2017


(I wrote this yesterday- on Sunday. Meant to have it done before going to bed last night. But like many things, I got delayed/distracted.)

My daughter spent the night at my parents house last night. She didn't want to stay for all their church meeting (as we have ours right after their ward finishes) and my parents didn't want to have to drive her to my house before their morning meetings like they did last week. I asked my parents if it was ok with them, to let her still spend the night and I would pick her up during their Sacrament meeting and I would just take my husband to church for Bishopric meeting instead of us taking 2 cars to church. So I got up this morning planning on just taking Cliff and picking up our daughter. Little did I know that I would for sure be up at the podium sharing the following scriptures and my testimony of them.

August Testimony
"I don't know who is more surprised? Some of you seeing me up here or myself? I just thought I was getting my daughter-she spend the night at my parents and I woke up this morning and 2 scriptures I knew I was to share, I just didn't know it was with you (my parents ward) until driving up here. So I apologize and my heart is racing, usually that doesn't happen-that the 2 scriptures is Isaiah. We are told by our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ how and the prophets how great are the words of Isaiah.
Isaiah 28:21 For the Lord shall rise up as in mount Perazim, he shall be wroth as in the valley of Gibeon, that he may do his work, his strange work; and bring to pass his act, his strange act.
and I testify that that is true. That we don't understand everything of God and I think it is so cool that it says his strange work and going down I am to share um what Isaiah shared with the people. Everything kind of repeats itself. God uses patterns and his people kind of do the same thing. That's why it is so important that we read the words of Isaiah and we ask to have the gift of the Spirit, the Holy Ghost or the Holy Spirit to teach us and it says:
vrs 23-29 Give ye ear, and hear my voice; hearken, and hear my speech.
Here's the question- Doth the plowman plow all day to sow? Doth he open and break the clods of ground?  
When he hath made plain the face thereof, doth he not cast abroad the fitches, and scatter the cumin, and cast in the principal wheat and the appointed barley and the rie in their place?
         For his God doth instruct him to discretion, and doth teach him
For the fitches are not threshed with a threshing instrument, neither is a cart wheel turned about upon the cumin; but the fitches are beaten out with a staff, and the cumin with a rod.
 Bread corn is bruised; because he will not ever be threshing it, nor break it with the wheel of his cart, nor bruise it with his horsemen
        This also cometh forth from the Lord of hosts, which is wonderful in counsel, and excellent in working. 
and then I am to share um I love Nephi. I love the Book of Mormon. There is so much that we can learn from it and in 2 Nephi 6 verses 12 through 14 it says:
12 And blessed are the Gentiles, they of whom the prophet has written; for behold, IF it so be that they shall repent and fight not against Zion, and do not unite themselves to that great and abominable church they shall be saved (sorry, I am a kinesthetic learner, so I like to move around when I talk) and do not unite themselves to that great and abominable church, they shall be saved; for the Lord God will fulfil his covenants which he has made unto his children; and for this cause the prophets has written these things.
  13 Wherefore, they that fight against Zion and the covenant people of the Lord shall lick up the dust of their feet; and the people of the Lord shall not be ashamed. For the people of the Lord are they who wait on him; for they still wait for the coming of the Messiah.
14 And behold according to the words of the prophet, the Messiah will set himself again the second time to recover them; wherefore, he will manifest himself unto them in power and great glory, unto the destruction of their enemies, when that day cometh when they shall believe in him; and none will he destroy that believe in him.

and last, Jacob was given the allegory which I'm so grateful he wrote because we don't have the Brass Plates with the records of Zenos and Zenoch but because Jacob obeyed the Lord we have the allegory (Jacob quotes Zenos) and here it says:   
And the day that he shall set his hand again the second time-There's that phrase again to recover his people, is the day , yea, even the last time , that the servants of the Lord shall go forth in his power, to nourish and prune his vineyard; and after that the end soon cometh. Jacob 6:2
 and I testify that those things are true, that the Lord is doing his strange work and his hand is set forth a second time and that there are servants there in the field to bring all the branches back into the trunk of the tree- the family of God. These things I testify as one of his servants in the name of Yeshua Messiah, Ahmen."
Down below is my draft from about a month ago (beg of July). I didn't get it finished until now.

Just realized that sharing my testimony for the past 3 consecutive months (in Sacrament mtg) go hand in hand. Or rather it's a continuation of one testimony broken up in 3 parts. How cool is that! We have an awesome God!

Here are the transcripts of them starting with May 2017

May- Believe it or not I can be brief. I just want to stand and testify that I am coming to know My prophet, Priest, and King-Yeshua Messiah! I am his! So interesting as we learn or rather unlearn things .

Briefly I am to share -in the car a few months ago I was with Emma- she was singing her ABC'S and she got down to opqrXtuv, and both times I tried to correct her, I told her it's Ssss like Sally, Snake. "No, mom it's X!" and in that moment the Lord was teaching me something- I do the same things sometimes, a lot of us do. We get things wrong sometimes. We have our traditions, we have ways we learn things and we think that's the way it is. But until we are willing to realize we are wrong it doesn't matter how much you talk to a 5 year old you know about the S and X thing, same thing with us.

I am so grateful for the scriptures. They are a launching pad for our own relationship. You are to have this (I raised both arms straight up and motioned up to heaven and back down to myself-signifying heavenly relationship) and I have that with my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ  and I am getting that with our Heavenly Parents as well. When he forgives us, when we come unto him and repent, it's not 1 thing, it's ALL. When we put EVERYTHING on the table then we untie his hands and he is allowed to bless us as much as much as we are willing to be, be-come . If we truly love our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ we obey the commandments.  

(When) we read in the scriptures we can understand what those commandments are. When we get the promptings of the Holy Ghost, we can know what those personal commandments are for us from the Lord. All I know is that is how we get on the path. As we love him we obey him. As we obey him, he shows forth his love and we become like him.

In the name of Jesus Christ-Yeshua Messiah, Ahmen.

June- I think I can be brief again, like I was last week (meant to say last month) I don't know who picked out the music for today but it was timely um as we sang 146 Gently Raise the Sacred Strain, I want to add my testimony to that of William Phelps that that is true. That as we REPENT or Shube in Hebrew and turn our mind and our hearts, and our thoughts  everything we do back to our Lord, back to our Heavenly Parents, that's what repentance is, to gain more light and knowledge, to forsake our sins, to forsake the errors. To cast off those things that are not correct but we think that they are. I testify that we have a God that is no respecter of persons. Yes, we have the Book of Mormon, we have the Bible. Since God has many children, many places, many eras of time, but there are many scriptures we don't have yet they will come, they are coming for those that can discern. How important it is that we know who we are. To ask who we are. That Jesus Christ, Christ means anointed one. That there's titles given. There's names and also labels that we do...
it's important that we don't group-label people. That as we pray to be able to see clearly, to be able to feel that we will be given opportunities to be tested. I was given the opportunity as I visited Mara in the hospital um there was a lady she was in a car accident standing outside the hospital. The Lord spoke to me, "Give her a hug". I am getting a lot better with the hug thing. I don't know if you knew I hated hugs, I didn't like to be touched (growing up). So I gave her a great big hug and I said Jesus loves you SO much. And we were talking a little bit and gave her another hug  and she explained how she was in a car accident and how she was grateful she was able to get out and I said well your grandmas love you. I knew one of them had past away. But I knew that she was near by. We are given opportunities to serve, personal opportunities and it's funny when it's not  convenient. That the angels do stand as sentinels, I do testify of that. That it is here in this life that we are tested. What we are taught in the temple is the path. What we are taught in the endowment, it comes to life. To have a complete baptism, to have your Calling and Election Made Sure, to have the Second Comforter what Marty was talking about, that is the Second Comforter. To have Christ come to you and then he is your teacher. I am learning that for myself. I testify of that, and sense God is NO respecter of persons and if he can do it for someone who has been sassy, and caused contention and provoked. I was not an agent of the Lord for many years and can burn that out of me through the Baptism by Fire and give me a new heart, the heart of Christ. I testify that it can happen to everyone of you. You must be born of God and understand what that means-to become a Saint, to become Elected, to do his will and his pleasure.
 I testify too that hard times are coming. That as you have  that personal relationship and have the Holy Ghost you will wakeup. War is coming. But you need not be afraid. In the name of Yeshua Messiah, Ahmen

July- It's good to be back, I was gone visiting family. I am coming to understand what Nephi talked about in the close of his book, when he talks about how at night his -he wept the pillow with his tears. The Lord's given me the opportunity to see what's going to happen, I'm not going to share that with you. But I will share this. That we are to do this (I had my both arms up high and outstretched) like I don't know if you have little kids but do they over go like this (put my hands up again) want you to hold them? We are to completely surrender. That's part of that broken heart and contrite spirit.
If we want ALL of Jesus then we have to give him ALL of us.

Are we willing to give up our traditions?

To give up our pride, to give up those things?

Wouldn't it be amazing if we all are childlike like King Lamoni, and willing to give up all?

He (Christ) is real, I know he is real. I have conversations with him. I don't say this to boost but rather to let you know that if it can happen to me, it can happen to you. It goes back to this (my hands outstretched signifying COMPLETE SURRENDER to him)
The peace that you seek is through him, and by him. In the name of Yeshua Messiah, the lover of my soul, Jesus Christ, Amen.

Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Embraced by the Savior (Yeshua Messiah)

Here's a journal excerpt from almost 2 years ago
Sunday June 14th, 2015

HC=High Councilor
EX Sec.=Executive Secretary
D&C= Doctrine and Covenants

It is Sabbath night and wanted to record before going to bed. What a beautiful morning! After church Cathy commented on me, I said yeah-Carol did my hair. She said,
"No, your face, it's like you are glowing!"
I smiled and said, 
 "Yes, that would be because I had a great morning! Paused then said, I have Christs' countenance."

(the 2 dreams I had early Sunday morning)

Dream-nursing a little girl. She just drank a bottle. I knew I needed to let her nurse or I would lose producing milk. First put her on right side and remember the left side needed to be done. Upon waking- nursing being connected with the Queens be their nursing mothers. (This is the 3rd dream that I am nursing a baby/child and not necessarily my own).

Dream- My dad was on the stand during a Sacrament mtg. He needed to leave to get to work on time. He was running down the stairs and accidently bumped into another man (either the HC or the EX Sec.) The man got hurt and the other man took him out of the chapel to care for him. My dad was already gone. 2 speakers had spoken and the EX Sec was to speak but he left. During the long pause, there was like a small testimony meeting. I was outside the chapel on the left side in a glass hallway that led directly outside. The Lord opened up a vision to me. He was speaking to me AUDIO. He let me know I would be the 3rd speaker and told me what to teach/proclaim. It was the 6th Lecture from the Lectures on Faith. I popped my head into the chapel, Marty Hughes who was conducting whispered in my left ear asking if I remembered who the new Ex Sec. was-they had forgotten, I didn't answer but told him I was to speak and he could verify with the Lord.
I went up to the stand and explained how when we hear the Lord speaking to us directly, we need to do EXACTLY as he says. I raised both hands in the air and spoke quoting parts of the 6th lecture of faith while having a vision. Saw only a few people in the chapel then it went back to regular. Then I used a word that wasn't given to me. I used my own word. As soon as I did that my heavenly vision closed and the power and authority was gone and I was left to myself, like having the microphone turned off. I explained what just happened about how we are to be EXACT when the Lord gives specific instructions. (no freelancing)To learn from me and do/be better.

 Dream shifted-now I was on a side pew in the back of the chapel and the Ex. Sec was speaking. He was reading an account of the Savior from D&C. I was seeing it play out before my eyes (vision) about the Savior and how they saw him as the Redeemer from Roman control. They tried placing garments on him connected with titles- trump him up. He would not be apart of it and walked pass them. He walked down the pews and came to me-We embraced and I didn't let go. It felt so good being in his arms-He sat down on the pew and I was on his lap. (I realize now I did not see his marks) I was too focused on his face and being embraced by him. I remember thinking I wanted to be twirled but couldn't because of the pew in our way. I told him how I truly trusted him now and thanked him for taking the incident from earlier and making good out of it. He knows what he is doing. I asked him if he would come back again soon and visit me again. I didn't want him to go.
I woke up (from 1st layer) but I was still asleep. Told mom about my dream.... she didn't understand why she wasn't having these manifestations like me. In that moment the Lord opened my eyes to understand. I then said to her-what is different about what you do and I don't do or rather something you take into your body and I don't. She wasn't getting it. I said-medications, you need to let the Savior heal you. You don't need those medications-they get in the way of being in-tuned- she didn't believe that. I told her, there are cures, but depending on medicine through (arms of flesh) was not the way. Later I woke up. Thanking Father and the Lord for that dream and embracing the Savior....END of Journal Entry

Although this happened almost 2 years ago. Being with Yeshua (Jesus) even if it was only a dream has become apart of me. I still remember his eyes, his hair, his smile. Snuggling up to him like a young daughter does with her Daddy. The immense love -radiating from him, even after "I messed things up". He came to me and just held me and loved me and let me just sit on his lap and be his little girl! I was home!!!

I am his! Through the baptism of fire (spirit) I was spiritually begotten of him. He is my Father/my Daddy! I hear his voice (in my head) before this experience/dream and since then.

*Remember the attributes of God. He is no respecter of persons. I am no more special then you or anyone else.  Many times what hold us back is ourselves!  Doubt, unbelief, traditions, pride (speaking for myself), lack of faith. If you truly want to understand Faith may I suggest you read, ingest, digest- The Lectures on Faith.


Saturday, April 1, 2017

Taking the Lord's Name in Vain

What is vanity?
Is saying, "O my G_D!" taking the Lord's name in vain?
Is that what it's talking about in the scriptures or is it something more?

Over the past few years the Lord has been teaching me about this.
I was really shocked to find out from the Lord that I have been taking the Lord's name in vain.
I told him, "what...what?, But I haven't ever said, O my G_D? and I have been very careful with how I say the name."

So one Family home Evening I gave a lesson about this and what the Lord had been teaching me. I closed my lesson with just a simple Amen.

How do most people close their talks, lessons, primary talks, testimonies, ect? We usually close by saying- "In the NAME of Jesus Christ, Amen."

But are the words and messages we give actually from HIM? Or do we just close that way because we were taught to do that and that's just what we do? This was HOW I was taking the Lord's name in vain.

I understand more clearly now about the parable of the wheat and the tare. One has fruit and the other is hollow (empty) inside.

We are told in the scriptures, "By their fruits ye shall know them."

Monday, February 13, 2017

Murmuring- Another Way at Looking at It

I had to chuckle a little tonight as I was on the phone with a dear friend of mine as she said right before hanging up the phone to NOT forgot to do it. (I quickly thought to myself- do what again?) Then it came to me- O yeah the blog post I just told her I was to do, then realized I had already put it out of my mind trying to procrastinate this blog post.

Basically I was murmuring about doing THIS murmuring post. In my minds eye I could see the Lord chuckle at me too.

Now I am NOT applying that murmuring is a joke or to be laughed at.
Rather it can be serious as it leads one on a descending path of disobedience.

Years ago I read a General Conference talk on murmuring and it stuck with me. I wrote down part of it and made bookmarks out of it. I realize that over the years I have done ALOT more murmuring then I ever realized, when I use the following to describe murmuring. It can be so much more than the regular "whining and complaining".

First-I begin to question- (dispute/doubt/debate) the instructions that I have been given from the Lord.
   feel to exercise my own judgment upon the instruction given by the Lord
      Second- rationalize, justify, and excuse myself from doing what I had been
                      instructed to do.
             Making an excuse for disobedience ( I have been really good at this one)
                Third- slothful in following the commandment(s) of the Lord.
                           I have been SLOW in following. Yet other words can describe this.

According to the 1828 Webster's dictionary Slothful=inactive; sluggish; lazy; indolent; idle
Inactive= not active, not diligent
Sluggish= slow
Lazy= disinclined to action or exertion, slow
Indolent=indulging in ease. Indisposed to labor
Idle=useless, vain

*The promptings I get from the Holy Ghost and/or from hearing the voice of the Lord are my personal commandments from him. *

Just last week I realized that I had slipped into this and needed to STOP and repent (turn back to the Lord) and rededicate myself with Full Purpose of Heart yet once again.

The more we have faith in Him the more we will trust him. Until we trust him COMPLETELY.

Mosiah 7:33 But if ye will turn to the Lord with full purpose of heart, and put your trust in him, and serve him with all diligence of mind, if ye do this, he will, according to his own will and pleasure, deliver you out of bondage.

2 Nephi 2:22  Behold, God is my salvation; I will trust, and not be afraid; for the Lord Jehovah is my strength and my song; he also has become my salvation.

Proverbs 3:5 ¶Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.

May you be wiser then I have been in following the commandments of the Lord.
Let us all be quick to observe and obey. Harken unto the Lord.
I just looked up the definition of harken in the 1828 Webster dictionary.

HE'ARKEN, verb intransitive h'arken.
1. To listen; to lend the ear; to attend to what is uttered, with eagerness or curiosity.
The furies hearken and their snakes uncurl.
2. To attend; to regard; to give heed to what is uttered; to observe or obey.
Hearken, O Israel, to the statutes and the judgments which I teach you. Deuteronomy 4:1.
3. To listen; ; to attend; to grant or comply with.
Hearken thou to the supplication of thy servant. I Kings 8:30.

That's all I need to share for now. So until next time.......


Sunday, January 22, 2017

Beware of Satan's 1/2 Truths!

It has been a long time since I have posted here. A lot of change as well, including a newborn in our house. He truly is our miracle baby. There will be an upcoming post that will include the whole journey of this past pregnancy and labor and delivery. It's all about hearing the voice of the Lord and obeying. He truly does provide a way for you to do the things he commands you to do. I am learning to trust him COMPLETELY!

So for today's post I am to share the following dream that I found in one of my notebooks.

                                          Excerpt from Journal-Fall 2010

I was stuck in a shopping mall. There seemed to be no way out. One of the shops was a movie theater. They had advertised the following: We guarantee you can escape this place after staying for the whole movie. It was a Mario's Bros film.

I told the young women who was the manager behind the concessions counter I wanted out of this mall. She assured me that I could do that if I went to the show, then I could get out. I knew they had exits to the outside world through their movie theater. It was then that I asked very specific questions/ statements like:
"I want to leave this building (the mall) intact-physically leave by walking out through the "Tangible Exit Doors" with my whole soul. With my mind, body, and spirit intact. I wanted to see their policy."

She pointed to a poster way above her head. It was tiny fine print. I asked her for a copy of it, normal print. On the back of the counter she had a huge stack of the papers/policy. I had read the form. I was the first one EVER to ask for one. I knew that by going to watch the whole movie was a bigger trap. It was very clear to me. I refused to go into the theater itself, knowing that at the very end of the 3D movie, ALL the viewers get swallowed up into the movie like Tron. There had to be another way. I was trying hard to return to my 3 boys.

End of that dream
We are major cheese eaters in our home. We love our cheese.
This goes along with the following dream I also had on the same night as the dream up above.

"A lady was going to share her homemade cheese. Takes 4 years to sit and age before it's ready to eat. Well by the time it came our way it changed into a sweet potato pie. It was very good but it was NOT her cheese."