What is vanity?
Is saying, "O my G_D!" taking the Lord's name in vain?
Is that what it's talking about in the scriptures or is it something more?
Over the past few years the Lord has been teaching me about this.
I was really shocked to find out from the Lord that I have been taking the Lord's name in vain.
I told him, "what...what?, But I haven't ever said, O my G_D? and I have been very careful with how I say the name."
So one Family home Evening I gave a lesson about this and what the Lord had been teaching me. I closed my lesson with just a simple Amen.
How do most people close their talks, lessons, primary talks, testimonies, ect? We usually close by saying- "In the NAME of Jesus Christ, Amen."
But are the words and messages we give actually from HIM? Or do we just close that way because we were taught to do that and that's just what we do? This was HOW I was taking the Lord's name in vain.
I understand more clearly now about the parable of the wheat and the tare. One has fruit and the other is hollow (empty) inside.
We are told in the scriptures, "By their fruits ye shall know them."
Wow! Sally thanks for calling this to attention! Very grateful.