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Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Embraced by the Savior (Yeshua Messiah)

Here's a journal excerpt from almost 2 years ago
Sunday June 14th, 2015

HC=High Councilor
EX Sec.=Executive Secretary
D&C= Doctrine and Covenants

It is Sabbath night and wanted to record before going to bed. What a beautiful morning! After church Cathy commented on me, I said yeah-Carol did my hair. She said,
"No, your face, it's like you are glowing!"
I smiled and said, 
 "Yes, that would be because I had a great morning! Paused then said, I have Christs' countenance."

(the 2 dreams I had early Sunday morning)

Dream-nursing a little girl. She just drank a bottle. I knew I needed to let her nurse or I would lose producing milk. First put her on right side and remember the left side needed to be done. Upon waking- nursing being connected with the Queens be their nursing mothers. (This is the 3rd dream that I am nursing a baby/child and not necessarily my own).

Dream- My dad was on the stand during a Sacrament mtg. He needed to leave to get to work on time. He was running down the stairs and accidently bumped into another man (either the HC or the EX Sec.) The man got hurt and the other man took him out of the chapel to care for him. My dad was already gone. 2 speakers had spoken and the EX Sec was to speak but he left. During the long pause, there was like a small testimony meeting. I was outside the chapel on the left side in a glass hallway that led directly outside. The Lord opened up a vision to me. He was speaking to me AUDIO. He let me know I would be the 3rd speaker and told me what to teach/proclaim. It was the 6th Lecture from the Lectures on Faith. I popped my head into the chapel, Marty Hughes who was conducting whispered in my left ear asking if I remembered who the new Ex Sec. was-they had forgotten, I didn't answer but told him I was to speak and he could verify with the Lord.
I went up to the stand and explained how when we hear the Lord speaking to us directly, we need to do EXACTLY as he says. I raised both hands in the air and spoke quoting parts of the 6th lecture of faith while having a vision. Saw only a few people in the chapel then it went back to regular. Then I used a word that wasn't given to me. I used my own word. As soon as I did that my heavenly vision closed and the power and authority was gone and I was left to myself, like having the microphone turned off. I explained what just happened about how we are to be EXACT when the Lord gives specific instructions. (no freelancing)To learn from me and do/be better.

 Dream shifted-now I was on a side pew in the back of the chapel and the Ex. Sec was speaking. He was reading an account of the Savior from D&C. I was seeing it play out before my eyes (vision) about the Savior and how they saw him as the Redeemer from Roman control. They tried placing garments on him connected with titles- trump him up. He would not be apart of it and walked pass them. He walked down the pews and came to me-We embraced and I didn't let go. It felt so good being in his arms-He sat down on the pew and I was on his lap. (I realize now I did not see his marks) I was too focused on his face and being embraced by him. I remember thinking I wanted to be twirled but couldn't because of the pew in our way. I told him how I truly trusted him now and thanked him for taking the incident from earlier and making good out of it. He knows what he is doing. I asked him if he would come back again soon and visit me again. I didn't want him to go.
I woke up (from 1st layer) but I was still asleep. Told mom about my dream.... she didn't understand why she wasn't having these manifestations like me. In that moment the Lord opened my eyes to understand. I then said to her-what is different about what you do and I don't do or rather something you take into your body and I don't. She wasn't getting it. I said-medications, you need to let the Savior heal you. You don't need those medications-they get in the way of being in-tuned- she didn't believe that. I told her, there are cures, but depending on medicine through (arms of flesh) was not the way. Later I woke up. Thanking Father and the Lord for that dream and embracing the Savior....END of Journal Entry

Although this happened almost 2 years ago. Being with Yeshua (Jesus) even if it was only a dream has become apart of me. I still remember his eyes, his hair, his smile. Snuggling up to him like a young daughter does with her Daddy. The immense love -radiating from him, even after "I messed things up". He came to me and just held me and loved me and let me just sit on his lap and be his little girl! I was home!!!

I am his! Through the baptism of fire (spirit) I was spiritually begotten of him. He is my Father/my Daddy! I hear his voice (in my head) before this experience/dream and since then.

*Remember the attributes of God. He is no respecter of persons. I am no more special then you or anyone else.  Many times what hold us back is ourselves!  Doubt, unbelief, traditions, pride (speaking for myself), lack of faith. If you truly want to understand Faith may I suggest you read, ingest, digest- The Lectures on Faith.