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Saturday, September 14, 2024

Be Prepared Dream, Firm Foundation


Dream from Feb 2023

Father spoke to me, either face to face or audio (don't recall now upon waking) that I needed to get my family downstairs in the storm shelter NOW. 

Saw my parents and told them they needed to go down stairs past the basement into the second basement (to the foundation) and stay there.

Went to another part of the house to gather my kids. (Realizing these ones never did drills/practice for natural disasters nor packed a Go-Bag) I told them, lets go. Realizing they were barefoot needed to find shoes, have stuff we needed for after the storm. Knew the storm would wipe out ALL the houses and stuff above the foundation. 

Emma was brushing her teeth and didn't want to go till she was done and could spit. There was no sink down in the basement/foundation area. I was literally tugging her/escorting her by pulling on her right arm. Told her she could spit once there in a garbage can or something else. 

When we got to the place a lady asked how we did, if we made it in a normal time. I shook my head no, 5 min too long. Took us 7 min to get there instead of the 2. Turns out it was just a drill sent from Father and a practice run. I was very grateful for that. We would prepare and gather every needed thing and put in a  Go-Bag. So when I was told to go, by the Father again- this time we could go "Now" and not be delayed 5 minutrs to gather and go and kids will know the importance of dropping what they are doing and come without hesitation. 

Dream shifted- in a store/shop. Quietly adding seashells to open shallow tables/counters. Making a beautiful sea display. 
Shifted to art class teacher teaching. Blink my eyes and 5 years later. I don't remember being there for 5 years or having experiences. Switched where I sat. Everyone else had easels. I was trying to find one.
 We were all given specific paintings. There were 4 different parts like puzzle pieces and when don, line up the canvases together to show the whole/finished project. I was far to the right and with 3 others. Best friend on the other side of me with 2 others in between. Told them that when we left class it was vital that they go home and stay indoors. Don't go outside for any reason. Best friend was uncomfortable,  I told her if you need to cut ties with me she said guilty by association. If I was seen as a jackpot she would be too and lose social status. She was concerned if the storm did not happen. 

I said if I was wrong on timing so be it. But I would do my duty and warn others. I would not be responsible for the deaths of others. Their blood would not be on my head. 

Huge storm would come and destroy everything above ground and underground that wasn't on its foundation. So important for people to go down to the foundation. Even if it wasn't deep underground as long as they were on a true solid firm foundation they would be passed over by destruction. Everything else would be taken away in this storm that all the forecasters had no clue and therefore could not warn others. It was a beautiful day. 
End of dreams.

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